New Exam Information Page
ProctorU exams for UIUC courses require use of the Guardian Secure Browser.
Note: Exam information on this page applies only to students registered in the following NetMath courses: Math 241, 257, 416, 417, 423, 441, 442, 444, 446, 447, 448, 453, 481, 490.
All NetMath courses require proctored exams. Students may take proctored exams via ProctorU or in-person with a live proctor. In addition, some courses may include exams that are not proctored - these will be administered using the NetMath Online Exam System (NOES). Specific information regarding the number and timing of exams, proctoring requirements, and other course expectations and guidelines are available within your course LMS (Learning Management System). Please forward any questions to