
College students have 16 weeks from the date of registration to complete a NetMath course. Upon registration, students will receive communication from the NetMath office regarding their official course start and end date. These courses are self-paced and students may complete their coursework prior to the assigned end date. Some courses allow a paid course extension.

For detailed information on a particular course, click the course number in the College Courses table. Each course page contains the syllabus, information on extensions, tuition cost, number of credit hours, and necessary course materials.

Math Topics


Course Overview:   Rapid review of basic techniques of factoring, rational expressions, equations and inequalities; functions and graphs; exponential and logarithm functions; systems of equations; matrices and determinants; polynomials; and the binomial theorem. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview:   Studies degrees and radians, the trigonometric functions, identities and equations, inverse functions, oblique triangles and applications. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview:   This course reviews trigonometric, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and introduces finding the area under a curve. Intended for students who need preparation for MATH 220, either because they lack the content background or because they are not prepared for the rigor of a university calculus course. Learn More  Register Now


Course Overview: Third course in calculus and analytic geometry. Topics include vector analysis, Euclidean space, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, and the integral theorems of vector calculus. Learn More  Register Now

Differential Equations

Course Overview: MATH 441 is a basic course in ordinary differential equations. Topics include existence and uniqueness of solutions and the general theory of linear differential equations. Treatment is more rigorous than that given in MATH 285. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: This course covers basic theory of partial differential equations, with particular emphasis on the wave, diffusion, Laplace and Schrodinger equations. Topics include classification of PDEs in terms of order, linearity and homogeneity, finding the solutions of the PDEs using methods such as geometric, operator, Fourier, separation of variables and spherical means. Learn More  Register Now

Linear Algebra

Course Overview:. Math 257 is a Introductory course incorporating linear algebra concepts with computational tools, with real world applications to science, engineering and data science. Topics include linear equations, matrix operations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, inner products and norms, orthogonality, linear regression, equilibrium, linear dynamical systems and the singular value decomposition. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview:   Math 416 is a rigorous, abstract treatment of linear algebra. Topics to be covered include vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalizability, and inner product spaces. The course concludes with a brief introduction to the theory of canonical forms for matrices and linear transformations. Learn More  Register Now


Course Overview: This course is an introduction to ε - δ analysis on real numbers, which makes what the students have learned from calculus courses rigorous. This course is for students who do not plan to do graduate study in Mathematics (those students should take Math 447). Topics covered in Math 444 include the real number system, limits, continuity, derivatives, the Darboux integral, the Riemann integral, and sequences of functions. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: For students who desire a working knowledge of complex variables; covers the standard topics and gives an introduction to integration by residues, the argument principle, conformal maps, and potential fields. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Careful development of elementary real analysis for those who intend to take graduate courses in Mathematics. Topics include completeness property of the real number system; basic topological properties of n-dimensional space; convergence of numerical sequences and series of functions; properties of continuous functions; and basic theorems concerning differentiation and Riemann integration. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: This course is for students who desire a rigorous introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable. Topics include Cauchy's theorem, the residue theorem, the maximum modulus theorem, Laurent series, the fundamental theorem of algebra, and the argument principles. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Introductory course in modern differential geometry focusing on examples and broadly aimed at students in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering. Emphasis on rigorously presented concepts, tools and ideas rather than on proofs. The topics covered include differentiable manifolds, tangent spaces and orientability; vector and tensor fields; differential forms; integration on manifolds and Generalized Stokes' Theorem; Riemannian metrics, Riemannian connections and geodesics. Applications to configuration and phase spaces, Maxwell equations and relativity theory will be discussed. Learn More  Register Now


Course Overview:   This course covers applications of calculus to the study of the shape and curvature of curves and surfaces; introduction to vector fields, differential forms on Euclidean spaces, and the method of moving frames for low-dimensional differential geometry. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview:   Introductory course in modern differential geometry focusing on examples, broadly aimed at students in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering. Emphasis on rigorously presented concepts, tools and ideas rather than on proofs. The topics covered include differentiable manifolds, tangent spaces and orientability; vector and tensor fields; differential forms; integration on manifolds and Generalized Stokes' Theorem; Riemannian metrics, Riemannian connections and geodesics. Applications to configuration and phase spaces, Maxwell equations and relativity theory will be discussed. Learn More  Register Now

Graduate Prep (for highly Mathematical/Proof oriented programs)

Course Overview: Math 416 is a rigorous, abstract treatment of linear algebra. Topics to be covered include vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalizability, and inner product spaces. The course concludes with a brief introduction to the theory of canonical forms for matrices and linear transformations. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Math 417 is an introduction to abstract algebra. The main objects of study are groups, which are abstract mathematical objects that reflect the most basic features of many other mathematical constructions. We will also study rings and fields and other abstract mathematical objects, which can be thought of as groups with additional structure. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Careful development of elementary real analysis for those who intend to take graduate courses in Mathematics. Topics include completeness property of the real number system; basic topological properties of n-dimensional space; convergence of numerical sequences and series of functions; properties of continuous functions; and basic theorems concerning differentiation and Riemann integration. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: This course is for students who desire a rigorous introduction to the theory of functions of a complex variable. Topics include Cauchy's theorem, the residue theorem, the maximum modulus theorem, Laurent series, the fundamental theorem of algebra, and the argument principle. Learn More  Register Now

Applied Math Prep (prep for applied Mathematical graduate programs)

Course Overview: This course covers applications of calculus to the study of the shape and curvature of curves and surfaces; introduction to vector fields, differential forms on Euclidean spaces, and the method of moving frames for low-dimensional differential geometry. Learn More  Register Now

Differential Equations of 1-variable (Math 285, 286 and Math 441)

Course Overview: This course covers basic theory of partial differential equations, with particular emphasis on the wave, diffusion, Laplace and Schrodinger equations. Topics include classification of PDEs in terms of order, linearity and homogeneity, finding the solutions of the PDEs using methods such as geometric, operator, Fourier, separation of variables and spherical means. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: This course is an introduction to ε - δ analysis on real numbers, which makes what the students have learned from calculus courses rigorous. This course is for students who do not plan to do graduate study in Mathematics (those students should take Math 447). Topics covered by Math 444 include the real number system, limits, continuity, derivatives, the Darboux integral, the Riemann integral, and sequences of functions. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Introduction to mathematical probability; includes the calculus of probability, combinatorial analysis, random variables, expectation, distribution functions, moment-generating functions, and central limit theorem. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Introductory course in modern differential geometry focusing on examples, broadly aimed at students in mathematics, the sciences, and engineering. Emphasis is on rigorously presented concepts, tools and ideas rather than on proofs. Topics covered include differentiable manifolds, tangent spaces and orientability; vector and tensor fields; differential forms; integration on manifolds and Generalized Stokes' Theorem; Riemannian metrics, Riemannian connections and geodesics. Applications to configuration and phase spaces, Maxwell equations and relativity theory will be discussed. Learn More  Register Now


Course Overview: The main objects of study here are groups, which are abstract mathematical objects that reflect the most basic features of many other mathematical constructions. We will also study rings and fields and other abstract mathematical objects, which can be thought of as groups with additional structure. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Basic introduction to the theory of numbers. Core topics include divisibility, primes and factorization, congruences, arithmetic functions, quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity, primitive roots and orders. Additional topics covered include sums of squares, Diophantine equations, and continued fractions. Learn More  Register Now

Course Overview: Machine learning is a growing field at the intersection of probability, statistics, optimization, and computer science, which aims to develop algorithms for making predictions based on data. This course will cover foundational models and mathematics for machine learning, including statistical learning theory and neural networks with a project component. Learn More  Register Now


To Register

Before starting your registration, please review NetMath Registration Process.

Future Registration

Your NetMath course will begin immediately when your registration application is processed. Once you submit a registration application and confirm your intent to enroll, there is no mechanism to pause your course or start at a later date.

Note the following before registering:

NetMath Course Extensions

Extensions are available for some courses (not intended for high school students). See your Nexus dashboard to learn more.