NetMath offers mathematics courses for University of Illinois credit to qualified students. In our self-paced courses, students are in control of their own learning. Our courses are somewhat different from traditional face-to-face classes in terms of presentation, interaction, and overall educational experience. Many NetMath students report that they actually learn more about Mathematics with our courses and find the experience more rewarding than traditional courses.
Despite numerous benefits, online learning is not for everyone. We recommend asking yourself the questions below before enrolling in a NetMath course.
Are NetMath courses a good choice for you?
Before enrolling, please ask yourself the following questions to assess your readiness for this mode of learning:
- Are you motivated and self-disciplined?
- Can you commit sufficient time each day to your course, throughout the duration of the course term?
- Are you comfortable using a computer?
- Do you read critically and follow instructions?
- Do you feel comfortable asking questions and discussing problems with a mentor/instructor?
- Do you have good communication skills and enjoy expressing your ideas through writing?
- Will you miss the experience of sitting in a classroom?
- Are you comfortable in active-learning courses with no video lectures? (See individual Course Pages for course platforms and formats.)
- Are you able to take paper-based exams with an approved proctor? (See our proctor information page.)
For additional information about NetMath courses, we offer the following resources:
NetMath has compiled some tips to help students manage the challenges associated with online learning.
Ask for Help:
Do not be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance. You are likely not the first student to ask.

Establish a Routine:
Continue through the day as if you were physically attending class. Wake up, get dressed, and have breakfast around the same time. Try to go to bed at the same time and get 7 – 8 hours of sleep. Keeping structure to your day aids in signaling your brain for when it’s time to work and rest.

Dedicate a Study/Learning Space:
Studying at a desk or a specific location can help you focus and contain academic stress to one area. Keep areas of rest and relaxation separate from your studies to keep your home feeling like home.

Avoid Multitasking:
Distractions can make us less productive. Limit your distractions as much as possible. Avoid having multiple windows open on your computer so you can focus on your class. Turn off or silence other devices during class and study times. Set up a schedule that includes chores, study time, relaxation, and exercise so that you can focus on the task at hand and complete that to-do list!

Take a Break:
Be sure to take a break from the screen at least once an hour for 5 minutes. Stand up, stretch, and take a breather.

Get Moving:
It may be easy to neglect one’s physical well-being during these times. Try to keep or establish a physical routine in your day.

Stay Connected:
Be sure to talk with family and friends. Text, FaceTime, Zoom, whatever you choose, try to maintain those connections.