This information applies to the 8-week 2023 Summer Semester course.


Fundamental ideas used in many areas of mathematics. Topics will include: techniques of proof, mathematical induction, binomial coefficients, rational and irrational numbers, the least upper bound axiom for real numbers, and a rigorous treatment of convergence of sequences and series. This will be supplemented by the instructor from topics available in the various texts. Students will regularly write proofs emphasizing precise reasoning and clear exposition. Credit is not given for both Math 347 and Math 348.


Math 347 syllabus


MATH 231


Credit Hours



Summer Semester courses have fixed tuition rates based on your College, year in school and other factors. Summer tuition rate information

This course uses Moodle online system and Overleaf. Students must be able to view assignments online, write out solutions, then scan or take a photo of their written work and upload it to Moodle. Students will also need a stable internet access, with sufficient bandwidth and data allowance for using a webcam and microphone on Zoom.


Lecture: Asynchronous online (four to six hours a week)

Discussion Sections: Synchronous online on Zoom (four hours a week)

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 1pm CDT

Proof Portfolio

The proof portfolio is a major assessment which will replace the traditional third midterm in this class. The goal is to give you a chance to showcase some of your best work throughout the semester, and to produce a polished LaTex document which reflects some of what you have learned during the course.


This course has two proctored midterm exams and a 3-hour proctored final exam.

Course Options

Course Timeline: This is an 8-week Summer Semester 2 course with fixed dates for submitting homework assignments and taking exams. Course Start Date is 6-12-23 and End Date is 8-4-23 plus finals. No extensions are allowed in this course.